Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CattachmentHelperRetrieve attachment information from message parts
 CdatetimeUtilsMiscellaneous functions related to date/time
 CobjectBase object for all objects in the library
 CencoderFactoryA factory to create 'encoder' objects for the specified encoding
 CSMTPResponse::enhancedStatusCodeEnhanced status code (as per RFC-3463)
 CfileAttachment::fileInfoStores information about a file attachment
 CfolderListenerListener for events occuring on a folder
 CheaderFieldFactoryCreates header field and header field value objects
 CimportanceHelperDeals with setting and retrieving message importance (also known as priority)
 CMDNHelperHelper for creating or extracting Message Disposition Notifications (MDN), as defined in RFC-3798
 CmessageBuilderA helper for building MIME messages
 CmessageChangedListenerListener for events occuring on a message
 CmessageCountListenerListener for events about the message count in a folder
 CmessageDigestFactoryCreates instances of message digest algorithms
 CmessageParserA helper for parsing MIME messages
 CmessageSetEnumeratorEnumerator used to retrieve the message number/UID ranges contained in a messageSet object
 CnoncopyableInherit from this class to indicate the subclass is not copyable, ie
 CstreamBase class for input/output stream
 CplatformAllow setting or getting the current platform handler
 CprogressListenerAn interface to implement if you want to be notified of a state of progress by some objects
 CprogressListenerSizeAdapterA progress listener used when total size is known by the receiver, but not by the notifier
 CserviceInfos::propertyA service property
 CrandomPseudo-random number generator
 CSMTPResponse::responseLineAn element of a SMTP response
 CexceptionBase class for VMime exceptions
 CserviceFactoryA factory to create 'service' objects for a specified protocol
 CserviceInfosStores information about a messaging service
 CIMAPServiceInfosInformation about IMAP service
 CmaildirServiceInfosInformation about maildir service
 CPOP3ServiceInfosInformation about POP3 service
 CsendmailServiceInfosInformation about sendmail service
 CSMTPServiceInfosInformation about SMTP service
 CSMTPResponse::stateCurrent state of response parser
 CcharsetConverter::statusHolds information about a conversion
 CstringProxyThis class is a proxy for the string class
 CstringUtilsMiscellaneous functions related to strings
 Ccontext::switcher< CTX_CLASS >Switches between contexts temporarily
 Cmessage::uidThe type for an unique message identifier
 CurlThis class represents a Uniform Resource Locator (a pointer to a "resource" on the World Wide Web)
 CurlUtilsMiscellaneous functions related to URLs
 CwordEncoderEncodes words following RFC-2047