body Member List

This is the complete list of members for body, including all inherited members.

appendPart(shared_ptr< bodyPart > part)body
clone() const bodyvirtual
copyFrom(const component &other)bodyvirtual
findNextBoundaryPosition(shared_ptr< utility::parserInputStreamAdapter > parser, const string &boundary, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *boundaryStart, size_t *boundaryEnd)bodyprotected
generate(const size_t maxLineLength=lineLengthLimits::infinite, const size_t curLinePos=0) const componentvirtual
generate(utility::outputStream &outputStream, const size_t curLinePos=0, size_t *newLinePos=NULL) const componentvirtual
generate(const generationContext &ctx, utility::outputStream &outputStream, const size_t curLinePos=0, size_t *newLinePos=NULL) const componentvirtual
generateImpl(const generationContext &ctx, utility::outputStream &os, const size_t curLinePos=0, size_t *newLinePos=NULL) const bodyprotectedvirtual
getCharset() const body
getContents() const body
getContentType() const body
getEncoding() const body
getEpilogText() const body
getGeneratedSize(const generationContext &ctx)bodyvirtual
getParsedLength() const component
getParsedOffset() const component
getPartAt(const size_t pos)body
getPartAt(const size_t pos) const body
getPartCount() const body
getPartList() const body
getPrologText() const body
insertPartAfter(shared_ptr< bodyPart > afterPart, shared_ptr< bodyPart > part)body
insertPartAfter(const size_t pos, shared_ptr< bodyPart > part)body
insertPartBefore(shared_ptr< bodyPart > beforePart, shared_ptr< bodyPart > part)body
insertPartBefore(const size_t pos, shared_ptr< bodyPart > part)body
isEmpty() const body
isValidBoundary(const string &boundary)bodystatic
object(const object &)objectprotected
operator=(const body &other)body
vmime::component::operator=(const object &)objectprotected
parse(const string &buffer)component
parse(const parsingContext &ctx, const string &buffer)component
parse(shared_ptr< utility::inputStream > inputStream, const size_t length)component
parse(const string &buffer, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *newPosition=NULL)component
parse(const parsingContext &ctx, const string &buffer, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *newPosition=NULL)component
parse(shared_ptr< utility::inputStream > inputStream, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *newPosition=NULL)component
parse(const parsingContext &ctx, shared_ptr< utility::inputStream > inputStream, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *newPosition=NULL)component
parseImpl(const parsingContext &ctx, shared_ptr< utility::parserInputStreamAdapter > parser, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *newPosition=NULL)bodyprotectedvirtual
vmime::component::parseImpl(const parsingContext &ctx, const string &buffer, const size_t position, const size_t end, size_t *newPosition=NULL)componentprotectedvirtual
removePart(shared_ptr< bodyPart > part)body
removePart(const size_t pos)body
setCharset(const charset &chset)body
setContents(shared_ptr< const contentHandler > contents)body
setContents(shared_ptr< const contentHandler > contents, const mediaType &type)body
setContents(shared_ptr< const contentHandler > contents, const mediaType &type, const charset &chset)body
setContents(shared_ptr< const contentHandler > contents, const mediaType &type, const charset &chset, const encoding &enc)body
setContentType(const mediaType &type, const charset &chset)body
setContentType(const mediaType &type)body
setEncoding(const encoding &enc)body
setEpilogText(const string &epilogText)body
setParsedBounds(const size_t start, const size_t end)componentprotected
setPrologText(const string &prologText)body