GPL v3 and dual-licensing

Hi all!

VMime has been relicensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. So, this will be the default license starting from version 0.9.1 (which is currently in development).

Additionally, due to a lot of demand, and to support development, VMime is now available under dual-licensing:

  • GNU GPL v3 for Free and Open Source projects. This is the default license for VMime.
  • Commercial license, for proprietary software. This license is available for purchase.

Please consult Licensing Overview and Dual-Licensing Model for more information about this.

New website

The new website for VMime is now online!

Oh… and for those wondering if VMime is still maintained: YES, it is! In the last year, I had not much time to make releases but I worked on it from time to time (mainly bug fixes, no new features). Since I have a little more time now, I will try to post news here regularly.

Please note I am still looking for contributors as there is a lot of work to do, so please feel free to contact me if you are interested!